Celebrating Arbor Day

Posted: April 27, 2023

Joined with students and members of the community, the Ocean County Commissioners, the Ocean County Shade Tree Commission and the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation celebrated Arbor Day at Cloverdale Farm County Park in Barnegat Township by planting 41 White Cedars along the Cranberry bogs and an Eastern Redbud in the park. Commissioner Virginia E. Haines, Chairwoman of the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation and Commissioner Gary Quinn participated in the ceremonial planting of the Eastern Redbud. The planting was in memory of Charlene H. Costaris, a charter member of the Ocean County Shade Tree Commission who served as the Commission’s chair and vice chair during her 32 years of service. Her legacy as a leader in preserving Ocean County’s environment and its natural beauty will now be commemorated each spring as the vibrant purple flowers of the Eastern redbud come to life in Cloverdale Farm County Park. The Arbor Day ceremony also included recognizing the student winners of the Cloverdale Arbor Day Art Contest.