Congratulations Firefighters
Following 400 hours of training at the Fire Academy at the Ocean County Training Center, Waretown, 32 men and women received their respective volunteer fire company badge during graduation ceremonies on May 20.
No Day Shall Erase You from the Memory of Time
Representatives from law enforcement agencies across Ocean County joined with members of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office and loved ones of the 20 officers from Ocean County that have made the ultimate sacrifice during the 33rd Annual Ocean County Law Enforcement Memorial Day Observance at the Ocean County Police Academy, Ocean County Park, Lakewood.
Ocean County Salutes Police Academy Class No. 53
Ocean County Police Academy Special Law Enforcement Officer II Class No. 53 marked the successful completion of their academy training during outside graduation ceremonies on May 9 at the Police Academy in Ocean County Park, Lakewood.
Raising Awareness
Representatives of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners joined with members of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office along with crime victim advocates to raise awareness of the importance of assisting all victims of crime during Crime Victim’s Rights Week during a walk held April 20 on the Seaside Heights Boardwalk.
The Fine Art of Recycling
An artistically talented group of Lacey High School students under the direction of Art Educator Morgan Sanders transformed a faded and old Ocean County recycling igloo into a work of art that was unveiled at the North Branch Yachting Center in Lacey Township.