Traffic Safety Improvements along County Route 528 Cedar Bridge Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Drive to Vine Avenue Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, New Jersey
Ocean County received a grant for this project through the NJTPA’s FY 2017-2018 Local Safety Program (LSP). The grant includes funding for construction and construction inspection services. The project will improve safety and overall operations along the corridor, including at five intersections.Project DetailsImprovements will include: traffic signal upgrades and dedicated left-turn lanes on Cedar Bridge Avenue at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Vine Avenue; installation of a median with pedestrian refuge islands at both intersections; and bicycle compatible shoulders along the corridor.About the Project AreaCedar Bridge Avenue is a four-lane, heavily travelled east-west corridor that connects the Garden State Parkway to Route 9. Two intersections within this corridor are ranked first and second on the NJTPA’s list of high-crash intersections in the County, and the corridor is ranked 14th overall in the NJTPA region. The project area is predominantly residential with small businesses fronting on Cedar Bridge Avenue and is close to downtown Lakewood. Lakewood is the fastest growing municipality in the state.The Local Safety ProgramThe LSP specializes in cost-effective solutions that can make an immediate impact on their target areas. The LSP is federally funded, utilizing Highway Safety Improvement Program funds. It was established by the NJTPA in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation to advance safety initiatives on county and local roads. For more information, visit www.njtpa.org/LocalSafety.Virtual Public Information CenterOcean County will be hosting a Virtual Public Information Center to inform local residents, officials, businesses and the general public of the proposed Traffic Safety Improvements along CR 528 Cedar Bridge Avenue from Dr. Martin Luther King Drive to Vine Avenue. This project is being funded through NJTPA Local Safety Program.
The presentation will be available via the project website below on Friday, July 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM to be viewed at your convenience.
It is being conducted in conformance with Federal and State regulations, and is open to all members of the public.