Home Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program This program assists low-income individuals, families, and the elderly who fall under HUD income guidelines and are in need of housing assistance by providing a rent subsidy for a maximum of 24 months, in addition to receiving case management by an experienced social worker.Homeless/Homeless Prevention ServicesThe Board administers a number of time-limited programs to aid persons who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. The Board may provide limited emergency temporary housing. Help may be available from the Agency through a variety of grants and funding streams whether or not persons are receiving public assistance and, in some cases may provide security deposits, back rent or mortgage assistance to prevent eviction or foreclosure. A small number of rent subsidy slots may be available to certain households. Additionally, the Board administers funding to assist those facing eviction due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Other services such as food and transportation are also available. All cases are screened and referred to all other resources. The Homeless Hotline through NJ-2-1-1 provides assistance for emergent housing issues that arise after business hours or when the Board is closed. Funding is limited so assistance is not always available for all programs. Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDSThis program assists low income individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families who fall under HUD income guidelines and are in need of housing assistance by providing a rent subsidy, in addition to receiving case management by an experienced social worker.OCBSS Responsibility in Rooming and Boarding House Act of 1979The Board is responsible for coordinating the investigation of all complaints pertaining to rooming and boarding houses, as well as residential health care facilities throughout Ocean County. Allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of residents of these facilities are investigated directly by this department. Outreach to provide information on available services is performed every six months to boarding homes and residential health care facilities and every twelve months to rooming houses as required by the Rooming and Boarding House Act of 1979.Personal Assistance Services ProgramThis program provides attendant care services to physically disabled individuals age 18 - 70 years, who have a permanent physical disability, are capable of self-direction and are able to supervise an attendant. Services provided enable disabled adults to be employed, prepare for employment, volunteer, and/or live independently.Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)This is a national program administered by AmeriCorps Seniors and is sponsored by the Ocean County Board of Social Services. The purpose of RSVP is to create meaningful volunteer opportunities for individuals aged 55 and over and to help meet identified service needs in the community.Senior Assisted Social Services (SASS) The purpose of this program is to provide home repairs necessary to alleviate conditions which are determined to adversely affect the health and safety of county residents age 60 and older. Recommendations on needed home repairs for eligible individuals are made once a home inspection is completed. Additionally, escorted transportation is available to eligible individuals who require safe transportation to attend to their activities of daily living. Assisted and/or escorted transportation services are provided to Ocean County residents 60 years old and older to secure housing, benefits, and nutrition as well as access to medical care and other services related to the health and welfare of the individual who is not receiving transportation services through other programs. Social ServicesThe Board provides information and referral services to county adults without regard to income. Information and referrals are directed to adults in need of protective services, transportation, home repairs, and other services. Information and referral services are also available to residents in boarding homes, residential healthcare facilities and rooming houses.Statewide Respite Care ProgramThis program provides respite services to families experiencing fatigue and stress due to long-term caregiving of frail, elderly, and/or disabled members. Services are short-term and can be arranged on an intermittent basis or for a specific period of time. Respite care makes use of a variety of short-term services to meet the specific and limited goal of providing caregivers with temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands of caregiving. Families or individuals providing unpaid basic daily care at home to a functionally impaired adult over age 18 are eligible for services. Priority is given to families where the impaired member is at risk of long-term institutionalization due to the inability of the caregiver to continue in that role.Supportive Assistance to Individuals and Families (SAIF)This program is an intensive case management program for Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) recipients who have received more than 48 months of assistance. It also provides additional support to families and individuals who have been unable to become self-sufficient because of serious barriers.Transportation ServicesEmergency Assistance (EA) - Limited transportation services are provided to eligible recipients of Emergency Assistance.
Fair Hearings - Beneficiaries receive transportation to attend fair hearings concerning adverse actions to the beneficiary.
Friendship Corner - Transportation for Friendship Corner clients is provided for several annual events held during the year.
RWB Transportation Grant - Transportation services for grant recipients referred from the Ocean County Health Department and Jersey Shore University Hospital.
Senior Assisted Social Services (SASS) - Assisted and/or escorted transportation services are provided to Ocean County residents 60 years old and older to secure housing, benefits, and nutrition as well as access to medical care and other services related to the health and welfare of the individual who is not receiving transportation services through other programs.
Transportation Assistance Program (TAP) - Transportation services to doctor appointments, shopping, work sites, etc., are provided to elderly and/or disabled residents who are ineligible for services under other transportation programs.
Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) Case ManagementCase management services are provided to TANF/GA/SSI recipients with serious barriers to employment and self-sufficiency. The WFNJ Case Management unit handles cases involving domestic violence, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and mental illness.