Brian Gabriel - Director The Ocean County Board of Commissioners appointed Brian Gabriel as the Director of the Ocean County Training Center, Ocean Township (Waretown) in January, 2022. This appointment followed the recent retirement of Directors Hal Morris and Kenneth (Jerry) Holman.
Brian was born and raised in Island Heights, NJ and has maintained his residency there to this day. He has been a member of the governing body in Island Heights for 13 years and has two years remaining on his 5th term as councilman.
The Gabriel family in Island Heights has always been very active volunteers in their community, including 4 generations of firefighters. Brian joined the Island Heights Fire Company in 1981 and has held most every executive and line position including Chief for three years (1992-94) and two terms as President. After his term as Chief, Brian was elected an Ocean County Deputy Fire Coordinator in 1997 serving 6 years. After the untimely death of Chief Fire Coordinator Michael Davenport, Brian’s role rose to Ocean County Chief Fire Coordinator in 2004 and served Ocean County in that voluntary capacity for 18 years through 2021. Brian sat on many committees in his position as Chief Coordinator including the Ocean County Emergency Management Council, Fire Service Liaison Committee and Ocean County Homeland Security Working Group just to name a few.
Brian and his team of Coordinators helped to manage mutual aid responses to many large scale emergencies. These emergencies include over a dozen Forest Fires including the 18,000 acre Warren Grove Bombing Range Fire, dozens of major structure fires, including the Seaside Boardwalk Fire, and several natural disasters including Hurricane Sandy, which was the largest organized mutual aid response in the history of New Jersey. For the last several months, he has most recently been working with Sheriff Mastronardy and the Health Department to organize and schedule vaccines for our Ocean County firefighters.
Brian brings a career in building construction, property Insurance damage estimation and 40 years of Fire Service experience to the Ocean County Training Center. As Director, Brian has a vision for the future and looks to build upon the past successes of Directors Morris and Holman to potentially expand the facility according to previous conceptual ideas and bring new training and recruiting ideas to our Ocean County volunteers for both Fire and EMS. These advancements will help our Fire and EMS volunteers as well as the many other agencies utilizing this facility including: Ocean County Sheriff’s Department, Ocean County Prosecutors Office, NJ Department of Corrections, US Coast Guard, NJ State Police, Ocean County Vocational School, many other Ocean County agencies and many local police departments.