Jail, County/Department Of CorrectionsJoseph M. Valenti, Warden Correctional Facility, 114 Hooper Ave. P.O. Box 2191, Toms River, N.J. 08754-2191 Phone: (732) 929-2043 Fax: (732) 506-5098 www.co.ocean.nj.us/OC/Corrections Juvenile ServicesJon Carman, Superintendent (732) 288-7717 Dr. Barbara Barr, Director of Social Work Services (732)288-7716 P.O. Box 2191, Toms River, N.J. 08754-2191 Main and Control Room Phone: (732) 288-7708 Fax: (732) 349-8563 JCarman@co.ocean.nj.us www.co.ocean.nj.us/OC/JuvServices/frmHomeJuvServices.aspxwww.facebook.com/raiseprogram/ School Mentoring and Gang InterventionBarry Steinmetz, Mentoring Coordinator (732) 288-7723 P.O. Box 2191 Toms River, NJ 08754-2191 Fax: (732) 349-8563 BSteinmetz@co.ocean.nj.us |