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Arts Funding for Nonprofits

This program is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. This grant is redistributed to local nonprofit organizations based in Ocean County to facilitate excellence in the arts though a competitive, peer review process. The Local Arts Program grants for funding from January 1 through December 31 are now available beginning in July of each year.

Submit online or download the forms and guidelines here or contact the Commission office directly for the forms and guidelines to be mailed to you.

Local Art Program Grants - ONLINE Forms

Submit the grant applications online! If you don't feel comfortable submitting online, don't worry all forms can be printed and filled out by hand through the online link.

ONLINE 26 LAP Application will be available in the Summer of 2025

Local Art Program Grants - Additional Documents

Grants Compliance Language and Logos

Organizations that have received funding as part of the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission Regrant Program are obligated to provide credit in their promotional materials in exchange for the funding they receive.

This program is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
The New Jersey Council on the Arts (NJSCA) and the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission (OCCHC) logos must be used by the grantee in publicizing those programs which are supported by this grant. The logos must always be reproduced as units without alteration, never separating the marks from the type.
NJ State Council on the Arts


Funding for Area Nonprofits
Art Grants
History Grants
Grants Compliance
Other Area Funders


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