Ocean County Government
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The Department of Consumer Affairs operates under the authority of the Consumer Fraud Act. All Investigators have successfully completed the course of study prescribed by and are Agents of the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey.

We are tasked with protecting the public, and ensuring that businesses comply with the consumer protection laws of the State of New Jersey.

The staff consists of state certified investigators who mediate and enforce complaints between a consumer and a business located in Ocean County, with the goal of coming to a satisfactory resolution for both parties.

Consumer Protection, Weights & Measures, and Energy Council, are all divisions that encompass the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs.

Public Speaking Engagements

Community education is a priority of the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs.

The Director and staff members conduct many lectures throughout the year for professional and community groups.

For more information or to schedule a lecture, please contact us at (732) 929-2105 or, visit our Contact page.

Message from Director Ronald Heinzman

Director Ronald HeinzmanWelcome to the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer website.

Everything you need is at your fingertips to help educate you from becoming the victim of Consumer Fraud. If you would like to hear from us however, please feel free to contact one of our trained clerical team members to assist you better.

We offer in person community orientated speaking engagements and our Investigators are “State Certified” by the NJ State Attorney General’s Office, Division of Consumer Affairs.

Education is key to the prevention of Consumer Fraud in the high-tech world we live in. We realize people make mistakes and may be taken advantage of at the most vulnerable times of their lives. We are here to assist you and we will do everything we can to offer assistance.

Ronald Heinzman

Latest Consumer Alerts

Our mission is to assist consumers and businesses of Ocean County. As the Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs receives updates from the state regarding current consumer alerts and product safety, we urge you to check back here for the latest news and information.
Phone Calls Impersonating Investigators and other Law Enforcement Personnel

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