Ocean County Government
Board of CommissionersDropdown arrow
  Director John P. Kelly has been an Ocean County elected official since 1993. He was sworn into his 11th three-year term on the Board of Commissioners during the Board’s organization meeting Jan. 4, 2023. Read more

  Deputy Director Frank Sadeghi was sworn to his first three year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s reorganization meeting Jan. 3, 2024. A successful businessman and a long-time public servant, Commissioner Sadeghi brings years of leadership experience to the Board. Read more

  Commissioner Virginia E. "Ginny" Haines, a lifelong resident of Ocean County, brings years of public service and leadership experience to the Board of Commissioners. She was sworn into her third three-year term on the Board during its organization meeting Jan. 4, 2023. Read more

  Commissioner Robert S. Arace was sworn into his first three-year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s 2025 organization meeting on Jan. 6. A lifelong resident of Ocean County, Commissioner Arace is deeply committed to fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and family-friendly community. Read more

  Commissioner Jennifier Bacchione was sworn to her first three-year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s Jan. 6, 2025 Organization Meeting. Read more

Michael J. Fiure, County Administrator
101 Hooper Ave. Admin Building
Toms River, NJ 08754
Phone: (732) 929-2147 | Email: MFiure@co.ocean.nj.us

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Ocean County Mental Health Board

The Ocean County Mental Health Board is a seven to twelve member public County advisory board responsible for the development of mental health services in Ocean County.

County Mental Health Boards were mandated through legislation in 1957 through the New Jersey Community Mental Health Services Act. The Act establishes the design and functions of the Board and it's subcommittees.

The Board makes recommendations, consistent with the County Mental Health Plan, regarding mental health funding and program development in Ocean County to the Board of Commissioners and the State Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

The Board monitors the service delivery and administration of all programs under the Board's jurisdiction and makes recommendations to the State and local government.

The Ocean County Mental Health Board's mission is to protect, assist, and empower people with mental illness. Goals include, but are not limited to:

  • Enhance mental health services in the County and ensure consumers access to services in a timely manner
  • Develop a more responsive service delivery system based on consumer concerns and service needs
  • Meet legislative statutes governing the role of the Board and its subcommittees
  • Provide information to the Board of Commissioners regarding regulations, initiatives, planning, etc., that impacts County residents
  • Continue to plan for mental health needs of the County
  • Improve utilization of limited resources
  • Continue to work with NJ Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services regarding changes to the mental health system of care