Boat Flare Disposal Event June 1st, 2024View 2024 Boat Flare Disposal Event FlyerThank you for responsibly disposing of your old flares. In 2023, our program saw 202 participants, we are hoping to increase those numbers in 2024. The most commonly found flare was the Red Handheld, comprising 77% of the total, followed by red meteor flares, with smaller quantities of parachute and orange smoke flares also recovered. Your participation has ensured the safe disposal of over 1880 flares, reducing their toxicity and safeguarding our Barnegat Bay and its residents. Location: Ocean County Fire Academy 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown NJ 08758REGISTRATION REQUIREDPlease register using the form below. Open To All Ocean County Residents
Flares AcceptedRed Hand-held Parachute Red Meteor Orange Smoke Signal Floating Orange SmokeNot AcceptedElectronic Flares Plastic Flare Launchers Other Explosives
* Maximum 10 Flares per Resident
NO BUSINESSES OR INSTITUTIONSRegister Your Slot Below:* Indicates required fields.