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Alternate Sponsorship Program

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts and New Jersey Historical Commission provide support to arts and history organizations through funding administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission. Thanks to an unprecedented increase in funding from the state of New Jersey, the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission is offering a Alternate Sponsorship Program.

This Initiative supports both Art and History projects by new and emerging organizations or organizations requiring a small amount of funding. The Initiative offers a rolling deadline throughout the year, simplified request process, and short time frame from request to award.

Refer to the Guidelines below or contact the Cultural & Heritage Commission office for more information.

Total Funds Available for Art-based projects:$20,000
Art Sponsorship $2,000 (not for current LAP or CHPP grantee)
Art Sponsorship $1,000 (not for current LAP or CHPP grantee)
Concert Sponsorship $1,000 (not for current LAP or CHPP grantee)
Art Sponsorship $1,000 (for current grantees after July 1, 2025)
Total Funds Available for History-based projects:$10,000
History Sponsorship $1,000 (not for current LAP or CHPP grantee)
History Sponsorship $500 (for current grantees after July 1, 2025)

Apply to the Alternate Sponsorship Program

Alternate Sponsorship Program Documents

Compliance Language

Arts Funds

This program is made possible in part by funds administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
The New Jersey Council on the Arts (NJSCA) and the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission (OCCHC) logos must be used by the funded organization in publicizing those programs which are supported by the Special Funding Initiative. The logos must always be reproduced as units without alteration, never separating the marks from the type.
NJ State Council on the Arts

History Funds

(Organization Name) received funding this year administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.
The New Jersey Historical Commission (NJHC) and the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission (OCCHC) logos must be used by the funded organization in publicizing those programs which are supported by the Special Funding Initiative. The logos must always be reproduced as units without alteration, never separating the marks from the type.


Funding for Area Nonprofits
Art Grants
History Grants
Grants Compliance
Other Area Funders


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