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Decoy Show Stories

Written for the Ocean County Decoy & Gunning Show Program Book, these stories cover a variety of topics concerning the Barnegat Bay and surrounding environs. Please contact us with any additional information you may have on the topics covered in the articles.

YearTitleAuthorOriginal Source
1985Four Months in a Sneak-BoxBishop, Nathaniel H.Excerpt from book Four Months in a Sneak-Box
1986Conterfeit PresentmentsN.J.Agricultural SocietyExcerpt from book The Past of Rural N.J.
1987Scaup Ducks To Recognize a Duck When We See OneKobbe, GustavExcerpt from book Kobbe's Jersey Coast and Pines
1988A Day with SnipeB.B.Excerpt from Forrest and Stream
1988Duck Shooting in Barnegat BayWarren, T. RobinsonExcerpt from book Shooting and Fishing for Young Sportsmen
1989Snipe Shooting and Fishing in Barnegat BayWarren, T. RobinsonExcerpt from book Shooting and Fishing for Young Sportsmen
1990Barnegat Bay Decoy Museum Aims to Preserve Local HistoryRicci, Susan
1990Harry Times 3: A Barnegat Bay TraditionScully, Paula
1990A Brief History of Atlantic White Cedar in South JerseyVorhees, Dan
1990Barnegat SneakboxWilliams, Anthony
1991Looking Forward to Preserving the PastLeventon, Bill
1991Sandy Island Club: Fowl Weather FriendsScandale, Maria
1991Barnegat Bay Field Day: 1991 ShowScandale, Maria
1991Hurley Conklin: Remembering One of the Last and the BestScandale, Maria
1992Membership 1992
1992Musem Dream Becoming RealityJersey Shore NewsMagazine
19921992 Annual ReportJersey Shore NewsMagazine
1992Some of What is in StoreJersey Shore NewsMagazine
1992WantedJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Art for ArtifactsJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Museum to House a Treasurer of TraditionsJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Second AuctionJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992The Crab Island Menhaden PlantJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Dogged DeterminationJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Jay C. Parker: A Carver and a GentlemanJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992Tradition: The Next GenerationJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1992A decade of DecoysScandale, Maria
1993Parkertown's Adam Price: Boat BuilderJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1993Boatworks Berths Vintage Style 'CatsJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1993Coperthwaite: to Charter Was his CourseJersey Shore NewsMagazines
19931993 Annual Report and other museum related itemsJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1993Gunning at Marshelder and Middle IslandJersey Shore NewsMagazines
1994A Jewel in the Crown of Southern New Jersey and other museum itemsBenedict, Michael
1994Winners of Last Year's Contest Reveal the Sillful Arts of the BayFasanella, Diana
1994A Long Bay Reverie: Bruce WinterbottomGiberson, Gary
1994Bill Cranmer BiographyGormley, John
1994Golden Age of HuntingLloyd, John Bailey
1994The Tuckerton WirelessReddington, Linda
1994Port Republic Baymen Carries on the Traditions of his FamilyScala, Gina G.
1994Wooden Boats donated to the MuseumSudol, Karen
1994Making a Living in the Oystering BusinessTimes Beacon Newspapers
1994Saving Lives Along Our CoastTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995Salt Haying IndustryLloyd, John Bailey
1995Watson "Wasts" Penn: A Great Fisherman with Great Stories to TellMangum, Michael and Oakley, Cliff
1995Tucketon OdysseyNash, Charles EdgarReprinted from Tuckerton Beacon
1995The Devil, You SayReddington, Linda
1995Gathering EelgrassReddington, Linda
1995The Cutting EdgeReddington, Linda
1995Governor Pledges SupportScala, Gina G.
1995The Cynthia Returns to Barnegat BayThe Times Beacon Newspapers
19951995 Fishing TournamentTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995Bird of the Year American WidgeonTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995Harry Shourds DisplayTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995By Gone Days of Life in PakertownTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995Billboard and visit museumTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995A Delicate BalanceTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995A Nostalgic View of Tuckerton CreekTimes Beacon Newspapers
1995Museum Dreams 1995Times Beacon Newspapers
1995Oystering Investigation: Early YearsWaller & WoodwardExcerpts from Agricultural Station 1880 - 1930
1996The Tuckerton Seaport: A Maritime Cultural Experience
1996Barnegat Bay Decoy & Baymen's Museum: Our HistoryGormley, John
1996Heinrichs' Boat WorksHeinrichs, Recollections of Bob
1996The Pine Barrens Jamboree Down Home Melodies and MemoriesHoey, Lillian
1996Captain Edward Nathaniel "Socks" Heinrichs 1870-1958Hollway, Majorie Heinrichs
1996Captain Samuel Forman Perrine Jr.Lloyd, John Bailey
1996The Story of Old Wells MillMangum, Michael T.
1996Barnegat Bay National Estuary & Tuckerton SeaportRaabe, Christine and O'Leary, Terry
1996The Wrecked Lady: A Thrilling Narrative, Shipwreck and SufferingReddington, Linda
19961996 Decoys - Decoys - DecoysWilliams, Bruce
1997Fesnel lens
1997The King Gander of Dog Sea ShoalFord, Sewell
1997Barnegat Bay Decoy & Baymen's Museum: Our StoryGormley, John
1997Barnegat Bay is All SportKobbe, GustavExcerpt from book the Jersey Coast and Pines
1997Tuckerton Seaport Feature Building: Corinthian Yacht & Gun ClubLloyd, John Bailey
1997Tuckerton Seaport EvolutionO'Leary, Terry
1997The Jersey ShoremanWard, James P.
1997The Jersey PiratesWard, James P.
19971997 Decoys - Decoys - DecoysWilliams, Bruce
1998Bird of the Year Wood Duck
1998Tucker's Island Lighthouse
1998The Sword Family Eelgrass IndustryAnderson, Andrew J.
1998Eno's Riverside Hotel and Eno's PondLandrum, Mahala
1998Duck Shooting at Forty ArceWatson, Harold J.
19981998 Decoys - Decoys - DecoysWilliams, Bruce
1999Bird of the Year Bufflehead
1999Jersey Shore Regional Folklife Center
1999Oysters and Clams in Ocean County
1999The Wreck of the BetseyStory research- David DeVerter, Bass River Twp. Library History Committee
1999The BridgeAdams, Burrel H.
1999Whaling Off Island BeachAnderson, Andrew J. & D. Gail Anderson
1999A Manahawkin Legend Uncle RubeSpodofora, John F.
1999A Man Called JoeSteele, Almira Cramer
19991999 Decoys - Decoys - DecoysWilliams, Bruce
2000Bird of the Year Northern Shoveler
2000We Will Not Forget - 2000
2000Baymen of the Barnegat The Unforgettable Charlie RidgewayLauner, Donald M.
2000The Jersey CoastRoosevelt, Robert R.Excerpt from book The Game Birds of the Coast and Lake of the Northern States of America
2000Spirit of the BaySutton, EarlSpeech given by Earl Sutton
2000Duck Shooting in the Barnegat BayWarren, T Robinson
20002000 Decoys Decoys DecoysWilliams. Bruce
2001We will not forget 2001
2001Bird of the Year Ruddy Duck
2001Reuben Tucker's Disappearing InvestmentGormley, John; Robinson, Malcolm; Sencindiver, JoanneAdditional authors: Carrollanne Shepard, Shirley J. Wealton
2001The george Robert Goertz StoryHoey-Gomez, Lillian
2001Harry's Last StormKlump, Chris
2001The Wrong way to Roast a PigMcLain, Pete
2001Shorebird Shooting on Sheepshead FlatsTread Easy
20012001 Decoys - Decoys - DecoysWilliams, Bruce
2002Bird of the Year Blue Winged Teal
2002We will not Forget 2002
2002The Great Mosquito Bite-OffMcLain, Pete
2002Andy Brown:Guide and Market GunnerMorton, Richard
2002John M. WartonMorton, Richard
2003Bird of the Year Hooded Merganser
2003Charles Hankins, Noted Boat BuilderBennett, Don
2003Along the Mullica RiverCoyle, Gretchen F.
2003Boatbuilding in Barnegat, New JerseyCoyle, Gretchen F.
2003Vincent Giannetto III from Jersey Waters to the White HouseGiannetto, David F.
2003Just FolksGuest, Edgar A.
2003This is No BullMcLain, Pete
2003The Jersey CoastRoosevelt, Robert B.Condensed from The Game Birds of the Coasts and Water of the Northern States of America
2004Bird of the Year Mallard
2004Oystering in New JerseyCoyle, Gretchen F.
2004From Sail to MotorCoyle, Gretchen F.
2004Old and New- New Jery's Atlantic City Inlet AreaCoyle, Gretchen F.
2004Ocean County as an Ideal Gunning and Fishing CenterGun, Russ T.Reprint Ocean County Magazine 1936
2004Atlantic White CedarO'Leary, Terry
2004Long Billed Curlew Pays a Visit to Robert J. Miller AirparkTread Easy
2005The BaymenReprint from The Beacon January 7, 1971
2005Bird of the Year Scaup
2005Houseboats Along the Jersey CoastCoyle, Gretchen F.
2005Life Along the CrikCoyle, Gretchen F.
2005Rail Birding in South JerseyDrummond, Shelly
2006Bird of the Year Green-Winged Teal
2006Clams, Cans and Campbell'sRizzo, Mary & Stewart, Jaclyn
2006Decoy Carvers Pass on Their NJ StyleStewart, Jaclyn
2006The Sedgehopper Goose ShootTread Easy
2007A Passion for the Barnegat Bay Waterfowling Heritage
200725 Years of History
2007Bird of the Year Red Breasted Merganser
2007Sneakboxes Can They Really MultiplyCoyle, Gretchen F.
2007On TargetD'Agostino, Bucky
2008Bird of the Year Northern Pintail
2008We will not Forget 2008
2008Salt Hay and Eel Grass Time in New JerseyCoyle, Gretchen F.
2008The Old Fish FactoryCoyle, Gretchen F.
200814' Sneakbox BullfrogHeilman, Wesley M. III
2009Bird of the Year Long-Tailed Duck
2009One of Those DaysMcLain, Pete
2010Bird of the Year American Black Duck
2010We will not Forget 2010
2010Little Beach IslandCoyle, Gretchen F.
2010The Real Jersey DevilLesser, Fred
2011Bird of the Year Common Goldeneye
2011The Old Coast Guard Station The New Rutgers Universitry Marine Field StationAble, Kenneth W.
2011The Mystery SneakboxCoyle, Gretchen F.
2012Bird of the Year American Wigeon
2012Youth Carvers Club at the Tuckerton Seaport
2012The Research Barge Cynthia and Early Studies Near TuckertonAble, Kenneth
2012Four Months in A Sneak-BoxBishop, Nathaniel H.Reprinted from 1985 show program
2012What is a YelperMangum, MikeReprinted from 1990
2012Counterfeit PresentmentsNJ Agricultural SocietyReprint 1986 Program
2012Scaup DucksThe Guide to nature 1914Reprint from 1987 Program
2013Bird of the Year Canvasback
2013What's that Stone? Or A Stone by Any Other Name....
2013Charcoal was an Early Product of the Pine BarrensWilson, J.G.Reprint from Basto Citizen Gazzette 1987
2014Bird of the Year Wood Duck
2014Hotel Bivalve & the Early Days of Rutgers Universe Research Near TuckertonAble, Kenneth W.
2014Memories of an Environmental HeroPaul D. "Pete" MclainAuermiller, Lisa & Korotky, Pat
2014In Memory of Wanda Parsons "Parsons Seafood"Ford, VictoriaExcerpt from Decoy & Gunning Show program
2015Bird of the Year Ring-necked Duck
2015Tuckerton Seaport's Youth Carving Club
2015The MullicaRiver Great Bay is a Unique Estuary
2016Carl Adams and the Modern Boat WorksReprinted with permission from NJ Dept. of Trans. Cultural Digest, April 2008
2016Bird of the Year The Atlantic Brant
2016Menhaden in the Mullica ValleyKenneth W. AbleRutgers University Marine Field Station
2016Carl Adams and the Modern Boat WorksThe NJ Department of Transportation Cultural Resource Digest, april 2008Excerpts reprinted
2017Decoy Show Pin
2017Tuckerton Seaport's Youth Carving Club
2017Bird of the Year Gadwell
2017The View from the Great Bay Boulevard: A Path from the Past to the FutureAble, Kenneth W.Rutgers University Marine Field Station
20171879 Four Months in a Sneak- BoxBishop, Nathaniel H.
2017Hurley Conklin Award WinnersFord, Victoria
2017Show print: Gadwell TrioPainted by Leslie, Rob
2018Decoy Show Pin
2018Bird of the Year Redhead Duck
2018River Herring: South Jersey's SalmonKenneth W. AbleRutgers University Marine Field Station
2018Show print: Redheads Over the InletRob Leslie
2019Decoy Show Pin
2019Show Print
2019Bird of the Year The Northern Shoveler
2019History of Some Salt Meadow Alterations in the Mullica Valley: Insights into the Future?Kenneth W. AbleRutgers University Marine Field School
2019Hurley Conklin Award WinnersVictoria Ford, Joe Rizzo & German Georgieff
2020Decoy & Gunning Show Pins
2020Hurley Conklin Awards
20202020 Old Time Decoy & Gunning Show Will Carry On - In Cyberspace
2020History of Decoy & Gunning Show
2020Old Time Decoy & Gunning Show Covers through the Years
2021Bird of the Year Bufflehead
2021Decoy Show PinBufflehead; modeled after a bufflehead decoy carved by Jamie Hand
2021Beneath the Surface: A Book to Provide an Understanding of NatureKenneth W. Able, Rutgers University Marine Field Station
2021Hurley Conklin, Carving Artist Remembering One of the Last and BestMaria ScandaleReproduction from the 1991 Official Show Program
2021Show PrintRob Leslie
2022Decoy Show Print
2022Decoy Show Pin
2022Bird of the Year The Mallard
2022Show PrintCathleen Engelsen
2022German GeorgieffPat Johson
2022Hurley Conklin AwardsVictoria Ford
2023Show PinLong-Tailed Duck ~ Modeled after a decoy carved by Bradley Steinhauer
2023Al Barker Artist Profile
2023Show PrintAl Barker
2023Barnegat Bay SneakboxBob Keeney, Jr.
2023Hurley Conklin AwardsGerman Georgieff
2023The Gentleman CarverJ.P. Hand
2023Bird of the Year The Long-Tailed DuckJoshua Gant
2024Decoy Show Pin
2024Mike Mangum: Old Time Barnegat Bay Decoy & Gunning Show Hall of FameCatherine McLearen
2024Bob Seabrook: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - A Forger's SpellGrove Conrad
2024Bird of the Year - Blue Winged TealJoshua Gant
2024Artist ProfileKate Leigh Cutler
2024Hurley Conklin AwardsPat Johnson / Catherine McLearen

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