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Ocean County Matching NJ Art & History Grant Program

In 2024, the Ocean County Board of Commissioners will match general operating, general program or co-sponsor grants from the New Jersey Historical Commission or the New Jersey State Council on the Arts awarded to Internal Revenue Service designated §501-c-3 organizations described below.

For 2024, the Ocean County Board of Commissioners has allocated $100,000 to this matching grant program.

  1. This Matching Art & History grant award will match 1:1 the grant funds applicants have received from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and/or New Jersey Historical Commission, not to exceed
    $25,000 in the aggregate or the $100,000 allocation divided equally by the number of qualifying applicants – which ever amount is less.
  2. The funding match by Ocean County shall not exceed $25,000 per qualified organization, regardless of how many organizations apply, nor how much a single organizations is awarded by the state of New Jersey.
Appropriation is contingent upon the availability of funds by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners .Final awards will be granted by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners by Resolution.

Failure to submit a timely and complete acceptable final report may limit or disqualify any future applications.

Non-compliance with any stipulation herein may result in forfeiture of this grant in whole or in part and/or may impact future grant applications to Ocean County including, but not limited to, reduction in amounts granted, special conditions or disqualification from applying for one or more years.


  1. Applicants must be an Internal Revenue Service designated §501-c-3 corporation with a minimum general operating budget above $75,000 (not including capital or in-kind expenses) in the fiscal or calendar year of 2023;
  2. Individuals, units of government, private or public schools are ineligible to submit applications ;
  3. The organization must be incorporated and doing business in Ocean County and have served Ocean County residents for five or more years;
  4. Only organizations which have been awarded a general operating, a general program or co- sponsor grants for 2023from either: 1) the New Jersey Historical Commission or 2) the New Jersey State Council on the Arts are eligible to apply;

    Grants from the New Jersey Historical Commission and New Jersey State Council on the Arts that are not general operating, general programing or co-sponsor do not qualify for this match. This includes but is not limited to: special project grant, Creative Aging Initiative Grant Program, Inclusive History Grant Program, or other special initiative grants;
  5. The applicant organization mission must be primarily focused on art, history or culture (not tourism or social service);
  6. The organization must submit to the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission the simple application form and final report form on use of funds. Forms will be provided by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission.

  1. State regulations prohibit organizations that are receiving general operating support grant or co-sponsor grant awards directly from the New Jersey Historical Commission, from also receiving an Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission County History Partnership Program grant, a re-grant program funded by the New Jersey Historical Commission.
  2. State regulations prohibit organizations that are receiving general operating support, general program support, or co-sponsor grant awards directly from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts from also receiving an Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission Local Art Program grant, a re-grant funded by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
  3. The cultural organizations that receive funding directly from the New Jersey Historical Commission or the New Jersey State Council on the Arts are the flagship institutions of the cultural community in Ocean County. Ocean County Board of Commissioners cannot financially support these institution through the existing Local Arts Program and County History Partnership Program funded by the New Jersey Historical Commission or the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
  4. The Ocean County Board of Commissioners Matching Art & History Grant Program replaces previous yearly direct support from the Ocean County Board of Commissioners to organizations receiving direct general operating, general program, or co-sponsor grants from the New Jersey Historical Co

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